Value of a Woman
Be very careful if you make a woman cry because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib...Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior to...But from the side tobe equal with. Under the arm to be protected. And next to the heart to be loved.
There are times when we (women) accept things because they're men, because we're's nature. But have we really stopped and thought about the consequences of this kind of thinking? Men are from Mars; women are from Venus. Yes, I know but is there no middle ground? No space between? I believe there is. I want to believe there is. Here I am ceasing to go with the status quo, going against what the society dictates...
Why is it that there's a delineation of judgment between men and women? Why do people say "it's more acceptable because he's a guy (or she's a girl)" and not just confine the description to either "it's acceptable" or "it's not acceptable"...regardless of anything?
When we try to fight for something we feel strongly for, why is it not given consideration? Why won't they try to see it from our perspective, try to understand us...because we do understand where they're coming from?
When we cry, why is it such a big deal? I want to cry, i choose to cry...because it hurts, because it's too much to bear. Why can't they just let us cry and get it over with...even if we know it will take what will seem a lifetime for us to get over it?
When we choose to wait for them, why are they not allowing us? Why are they pushing us away? Will it not benefit them more than us? That after doing their business, won't we be glad to see them back...because we chose to wait?
I can go on and on. Only if there are are answers to each one, I would. I felt the urge to write them hopes that they will escape my thoughts and remain on this page.
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