It's Easier Said Than Done

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right...Forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason...Know a good thing when you see it, and don't let it slip away...If you get a chance, take it...If it changed your life, let it...Nobody said it would be easy, they just said it would be worth it..."
I received this message after pouring my heart's content. All i can say to that is the ever-famous cliche, "It's easier said than done." True indeed. I almost always know what to say to people when they ask for advice--it's simple because I'm not part of the situation; I am just a plain observer. Communication is the key. Think of yourself, be selfish, and love yourself. Make that other person work for it. Leave because of what happened. Stay because it's worth it. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. How I wish I could say some of those things to myself--and I hope that I do in fact listen to what my inner self is saying.
Sometimes I believe that lessons should be learned the hard way--for them to have an imprint, an impact, an effect. On other times I believe that we should just steer away from potential mishaps and spare ourselves of potential hurt, which might lead to potential regret.
But the latter is not the case I always find myself in. What I do know about myself is that I challenge myself too much--probably thinking that I'm invincible, which I know for a million years I will never be. I end up wanting to try out something seemingly new, anticipating what could be in store for me, then digging a hole too deep for me to climb out of. And then...Sigh. I did it again. Sheesh. What a vicious cycle it can be! I know I gotta do something to make things better--i just don't know where to start and how to begin...
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