Bonded for Decades
We've known each other since the mid-80's...back when we were still oh-so-young--riding our bicycles, learning to play volleyball everyday during summer, having picnics and slumber parties, donning either Sunday dresses or shorts + tucked T-shirt (don't forget the bushy eyebrows). I can go on-and-on, but I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about...everybody passed the 80's craze. (Sidebar: Have you noticed how the kids nowadays aren't fashion-victims like we were then?) Anyway, that was when nothing really mattered except having fun at school, at home, wherever...we were just so naive about a lot of things.
The 90's came...we were still pretty young--still riding our bicycles, playing volleyball in respective varsity teams, yadda yadda yadda...but now I'll mention the tapered jeans + T-shirt era (still not forgetting the bushy eyebrows; okay, okay...the bushy eyebrows were gone by the late 90s). Pressure sets in upon entering college--family issues, tons of schoolwork, even puppy-love (admit had some stress factor to it). In effect, we spent more time talking about our individual lives.
At Banana Leaf Curry House[supersize]
Joy, Aia, Kay, Chie, Darl

And then the now...we still wanna be considered young--no more bicycles, playing volleyball only when time permits, donning more fashionable outfits. More decisions are being made. More stressors are being encountered (this time including relationships). We are at the crossroads of our lives where we have to decide which path to take, hoping it will lead us to greener pasteurs. The "real world" (either earning money or building a professional life) proves to be really challenging.
Amidst everything that has happened, keeping the friendship intact was never a difficult task. We still manage to get together once in a while just to see how each one is doing. It sure is a wonderful feeling to have such great friends. Till the next get together...(I hope we'll be complete then)
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