Saturday, December 18, 2004

Panic Attack!!!


It just dawned on me that Christmas day is a week from now...

...which means I should have all the friend presents delivered; it would be nice to open it together with everybody else's and not as a belated one (wishful thinking...I end up sending out belated gifts hehe).
...which means I should have all the family presents ready on the Eve. I find it so hard to think of gifts for those closest to my heart...not because I'm scared of not being appreciated, but because I want them to be meaningful and not some so-so gifts.
....which means I should have been finished with my shopping so as to spend the remaining days wrapping, organizing, and sending them out.
...which means I should be stress-free by now...


I'm used to having everything set usually two weeks before Christmas--from the presents to the menu to the clothes I'll be wearing on the Eve (I am all that). Even at this age, I still want the Holidays to be relaxed, special, and heartwarming with the works--hearing Mass with loved ones followed by eating bibingka or some other native delicacies in the wee hours of the morning, enjoying the fancy lights and decorations on every corner, gift-giving, the works!

I haven't even bought a single present...I don't even have a list for crying out loud! Aaaargh...I hate what's happening. The misery began with my minor surgery at the start of this month (remember that?!). Ha! Everything about is not "minor" at all...especially what it's making me go through right now! The timing's really off (an understatement). It made me totally immobile for two weeks...leaving me with a week (this week) to catch up on all the chores--laundry, clean, decorate, and everything I put off (mind you, I'm not even done). Then, this coming week will be for grocery and present shopping (good luck to me). Don't even remind me how congested it is out there...I don't have to see it to believe it. It will take a miracle or two to make me come out of this ordeal alive!

Forgive me for ranting...I am severely distraught.

Merry Christmas...sheesh.


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